all postcodes in KY6 / GLENROTHES

find any address or company within the KY6 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY6 3AA 6 0 56.201819 -3.210889
KY6 3AD 2 0 56.20142 -3.210538
KY6 3AE 8 1 56.202753 -3.209983
KY6 3AF 22 7 56.202339 -3.210986
KY6 3AH 5 1 56.202265 -3.209339
KY6 3AG 1 0 56.201518 -3.208623
KY6 3AJ 9 0 56.201883 -3.208005
KY6 3AL 7 0 56.201806 -3.21034
KY6 3AN 18 1 56.20105 -3.211445
KY6 3AP 14 0 56.199534 -3.214862
KY6 3AR 2 0 56.201153 -3.210224
KY6 3AS 5 0 56.199455 -3.213732
KY6 3AT 31 3 56.201155 -3.213527
KY6 3AU 5 1 56.201384 -3.214937
KY6 3AW 6 0 56.200151 -3.214253
KY6 3AX 38 9 56.200658 -3.215607
KY6 3AY 7 0 56.201549 -3.213717
KY6 3AZ 32 11 56.201718 -3.21203
KY6 3BB 5 0 56.200663 -3.216042
KY6 3BF 15 0 56.198049 -3.217813